近年来,表观遗传学中的翻译后修饰领域已被研究者关注,这一领域有可能成为未来肿瘤药理学研究的重要方向。 中药因其副作用小、疗效较好的优势在结直肠癌的防治研究中展现了较好的前景。该文概述了表观遗传学的翻译后修饰种 类及这些类型在结直肠癌发生发展中的作用,探讨中药单体、中药复方通过影响翻译后修饰抗结直肠癌的可能机制。结直 肠癌发生发展研究中,涉及到的翻译后修饰类型有泛素化、类泛素化、乙酰化、巴豆酰化、甘氨酸化等。中药如黄连、吴 茱萸、黄芩、姜黄等的活性成分或中药复方如抑瘤饮、藤龙补中汤,通过参与翻译后修饰而显现了一定的防治结直肠癌的 作用。从翻译后修饰角度深入探讨中药防治结直肠癌的疗效机制以及研制新的中药制剂,有望成为未来抗结直肠癌的机制 和药物应用研究的新方向。
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In recent years, the post-translational modification in epigenetics has drawn the attention of the researchers,and is expected to become the important direction for tumor pharmacology research in future. Chinese herbal medicine has the advantages of less side effects and better efficacy,and has shown good prospects in the research of prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer. This paper outlined the types of post-translational modifications in epigenetics and their roles in the progression of colorectal cancer, and explored the possible mechanisms of single Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese herbal compounds in the treatment of colorectal cancer by influencing post-translational modifications. In the progression of colorectal cancer, the post-translational modifications such as ubiquitination, ubiquitination-like, acetylation, crotonylation and glycylation were involved. The Chinese medicinal active ingredients from Coptidis Rhizoma,Euodiae Fructus,Scutellariae Radix, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma, etc., and Chinese herbal compounds of Yiliu Decoction and Teng Long Buzhong Decoction have all shown certain effects for the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer by participating in post-translational modifications. The in-depth exploration of the therapeutic mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine in the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer and the development of new Chinese medicinal preparations from the perspective of post-translational modification are expected to become a new direction for the future research on the mechanism of anti-colorectal cancer and on the application of anti-cancer agents.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:82274196);国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(编号:82022074);广东省科技创新 战略专项(编号:pdjh2022b0120)