动脉粥样硬化(AS)是心脑血管疾病的重要发病基础。AS与阴疽在病因、病位、病情严重程度、病机、治法和病程演 变方面具有较高的一致性。该文基于阴疽理论,并结合 AS涉及的主要脏腑特性和错综复杂的发病机制,提出温消、温托、 温补合用以治疗AS,创立了由三七、血竭、红曲组成的角药经验方赤麒麟散,方中三七以温补、温托为主,兼顾温消;血 竭以消、托、补并重;红曲以温补、温消为主,兼顾温托。在临床实践中应用赤麒麟散治疗阳虚痰瘀互结证AS患者,取得 了较显著的疗效,可为临床运用中药治疗AS提供借鉴。
[Key word]
Atherosclerosis(AS)is the important pathological foundation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There is a high degree of consistency between AS and yin-nature carbuncles in terms of etiology, disease-location,severity of illness,pathogenesis,therapies and progression of disease. Based on the theory of yin-nature carbuncles and after the analysis of the characteristics of zang-fu organs mainly involved in AS and the intricate pathogenesis of AS, this paper put forward the use of warming-eliminating, warming - expulsing and warming-tonifying therapies together for treating AS,and established Chiqilin Powder,the experienced prescription including triplet medicinals,i.e.,Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma,Draconis Sanguis,and Fermentum Rubrum. In the prescription,Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma mainly has the warming-tonifying and warming-expulsing actions, and also exerts the warming -eliminating actions;Draconis Sanguis exerts eliminating,expulsing and tonifying actions simultaneously;Fermentum Rubrum mainly has the warming-tonifying and warming-eliminating actions, and also exerts the warming -expulsing actions. In clinical practice, the application of Chiqilin Powder in the treatment of AS patients with yang deficiency and phlegm blended with blood stasis syndrome has achieved remarkable therapeutic effects,which will provide reference for the clinical use of Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of AS.
中央高水平中医医院临床研究和成果转化能力提升项目—传承名老中医药专家学术经验专项(编号:HLCMHPP2023011);首都 卫生发展科研专项(编号:2022-1-4153);中国中医科学院科技创新工程重大攻关项目(编号:CI2021A03801,CI2021A01604);中国中医 科学院广安门医院(南区)科研基金项目(编号:Y2023-21)