心力衰竭(简称心衰)是各种心脏疾病进展至严重阶段而引起的一种复杂的临床综合征,是各种心血管疾病的终末阶 段,严重危害人类的健康与生命安全。心衰患者的心脏康复已被证明是可行的,而我国心衰患者的心脏康复仍处于初步阶 段,中西医结合心脏康复已成为趋势。李荣教授结合其20余年治疗心衰患者及指导其进行心脏康复的经验,着眼于改善预 后、提高患者的生活质量,提出了促进心衰患者心脏康复的中医特色疗法,即吐纳调息法、形体导引法、药膳调养法、精 神调摄法、中医外治法、五音疗疾法及自然环境疗法。中医学、传统气功导引与现代心脏康复技术的融合,将为心衰患者 的心脏康复提供更为简便廉验的新思路,从而促进中国特色心脏康复医学的创新与发展。
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Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome which develops from various heart diseases progressing to serious stages. HF is the terminal stage of various cardiovascular diseases,and has become a serious threat to public health and human life. Cardiac rehabilitation in HF patients has been proven to be feasible,while the study of cardiac rehabilitation in China is still at the preliminary stage. Nowadays,the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine is widely used for cardiac rehabilitation. Professor Li Rong had over 20 years of clinical experience in treating HF and guiding cardiac rehabilitation for patients with HF. He focused on improving the prognosis and quality of life of the patients, and proposed the therapies with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)characteristics to promote cardiac rehabilitation for HF. The therapies included the method of exhalation and inhalation for regulating breath,physical-breathing exercise,therapeutic diet,cultivation of spirit,TCM external therapy,five-note therapy,and natural environment therapy. The combination use of TCM,traditional qigong and conduction therapy,and modern cardiac rehabilitation techniques will provide new ideas for cardiac rehabilitation in HF patients by simpler,cheaper,and more convenient and effective methods,and will promote the innovation and development of cardiac rehabilitation with TCM characteristics.