【目的】 采用数据挖掘的方法探析刘茂才教授治疗出血性中风急性期的用药特点。【方法】 筛选2010年至2020年期间刘 茂才教授治疗出血性中风急性期的中药处方,统计其性味归经频次,应用FangNet平台软件对处方药物进行药物权重等级分 析、药物-药物共现性与互斥性分析、聚类分析。【结果】 共纳入52首处方,涉及94味中药。所用药物的药性以性寒、味苦 为主,归经以入肝经的药物为主。药物权重等级分析得到肿节风、虎杖、石菖蒲、钩藤、黄芩、毛冬青、天竺黄、牡丹皮、 赤芍、羚羊角、鱼腥草、桃仁、红花、益母草、远志、甘草、牛膝、天麻、郁金、竹茹共20味主药。药物-药物共现性分析 得到赤芍-牡丹皮、桃仁-红花、黄芩-虎杖等9组药物-药物共现性组合。药物聚类分析共得到4个药物组合。【结论】 刘茂才 教授治疗出血性中风急性期患者常用寒凉及入肝经的药物,处方常以清热平肝、破瘀涤痰、通腑醒神的药物相互配伍;根 据该期“腑实为常候”的病症特点,提倡在急性期注重通腑药物的使用。
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Objective To explore the rules of medication by Professor Liu Maocai in the treatment of acute hemorrhagic stroke through data mining. Methods Chinese medicine prescriptions for acute hemorrhagic stroke treated by Professor Liu Maocai from 2010 to 2020 were collected, and then the frequency of the medicinal properties and flavors as well as the meridian tropism was counted. In addition,FangNet platform software was used to analyze the grading of frequency weights of the herbal medicines,co-occurrence and mutual exclusion of the herbal medicines , and clustering of the herbal medicines in the prescriptions. Results A total of 52 prescriptions involving 94 herbal medicines were included for the analysis. The herbal medicines were usually cold in nature and bitter in flavor,and frequently had the meridian tropism of liver meridian. The analysis of the grading of frequency weights yielded 20 driver herbs,namely Sarcandrae Herba,Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma, Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma, Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis, Scutellariae Radix, Ilex Pubescens Radix, Bambusae Concretio Silicea, Moutan Cortex, Paeoniae Radix Rubra, Saigae Tataricae Cornu, Houttuyniae Herba, Persicae Semen, Carthami Flos, Leonuri Herba, Polygalae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Achyranthis Bidentate Radix,Gastrodiae Rhizoma,Curcumae Radix,and Bambusae Caulis in Taenia. The cooccurrence analysis of the herbal medicines yielded nine groups of herbal co-occurrence combinations, e. g.,Paeoniae Radix Rubra - Moutan Cortex, Fersicae semen-Carthami Flos, and Scutellariae Radix - Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma were obtained. Four herbal combinations were obtained after cluster analysis. Conclusion For the treatment of patients with acute hemorrhagic stroke,Professor Liu Maocai often adopts herbal medicines being cold and cool in nature and bitter in flavor,and with the meridian tropism of liver meridian. The prescriptions for acute hemorrhagic stroke are usually composed of herbal medicines for clearing heat and calming liver,removing stasis and eliminating phlegm,unblocking bowels and inducing resuscitation. For acute hemorrhagic stroke has the manifestations characterized by“fu-viscera excess being the most commonly syndrome”,and it is recommended to use herbal medicines for unblocking bowels in the acute stage.
广州中医药大学 2021年度人文社会科学项目(编号:2021SKZX09);广东省哲学社会科学规划 2021 年度岭南文化项目(编号: GD21LN16);国家中医药管理局“第七批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目”(国中医药人教函 〔2022〕 76号)