通过分析相关医学文献,综述扬刺法对膝骨关节炎的疗效及其可能的作用机制。扬刺法治疗膝骨关节炎疗效确切, 且较单纯使用常规针刺、中药及其他针法等治疗,联合扬刺法可进一步提高临床疗效。扬刺法的激发经气、振奋阳气等作 用正符合膝骨关节炎的病机特点。扬刺法通过增强针刺刺激、扩大治疗面积、松解肌肉筋膜来对膝关节骨性关节炎产生影响。
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The therapeutic efficacy and possible mechanism of action of superficial needling therapy for knee osteoarthritis(KOA)are reviewed by analyzing relevant medical literature. Superficial needling therapy exerts certain efficacy in treating KOA, and the clinical efficacy could be further improved by combining it with conventional acupuncture, as well as Chinese medicine and other acupuncture methods alone. The therapy of stimulation of meridian qi and invigoration of yang qi are in line with the pathogenesis of KOA. Superficial needling therapy exerts certain effect on KOA by enhancing acupuncture stimulation,enlarging the treatment area,and releasing muscle and fascia.