汪机是新安医学杰出的代表人物,他在针灸学术思想方面多有建树,主要包含“针主泻实”“无病忌灸”以及“治病 无定穴”等学术特色,历代学者对其“针主泻实”及“无病忌灸”理论的探讨颇多,而“治病无定穴”的研究内容却门可 罗雀。该文探寻汪机生平及其代表著作,对汪机“治病无定穴”的辨证论治思想进行深入分析。汪机治病主张审经络、分 气血、辨阴阳,选穴强调随证立方、随病用穴,对世医教条于“某穴主某病”的行为予以批判,告诫医者针灸治病须分经 辨证,取穴施针,不可不知变通,墨守成规。
[Key word]
Wang Ji is an outstanding representative of Xinan medicine,he has made a lot of achievements in academic thought of acupuncture and moxibustion, which mainly contains the academic features such as “acupuncture treatment mainly purging excessive pathogen”and“use of moxibustion with caution for the disease-free person”,as well as“no selection of fixed acupoints for treating diseases”. The scholars in past dynasties did a lot of research on his theory of “acupuncture treatment mainly purging excessive pathogen” and “use of moxibustion with caution for the disease-free person”,but did less research on his theory of “no selection of fixed acupoints for treating diseases”,this paper explores Wang Jis life and his representative works,and analyzes the theory of “no selection of fixed acupoints for treating diseases”. Wang Ji advocates the disease treatment principle of differentiation of meridians and collaterals,qi and blood,as well as yin and yang,and his acupoint selection rules focuses on flexible prescription according to syndrome differentiation,point selection according to disease differentiation,which critically criticizes the dogmatic behavior of the conventional theory that“a certain acupoint corresponding treatment for a certain disease”,he reminded the physicians that in treating disease by acupuncture and moxibustion, syndrome differentiation should be according to meridians and collaterals differentiation, acupoint application should be flexible and changeable.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:81574084);安徽省教育厅重点项目(编号:KJ2021A0570,2023AH050796);安徽省重点研 究与开发计划项目(编号:202004j07020045);新安医学教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(编号:2020xayx07);大健康研究院新安医学与中 医药现代化研究所资助专项(编号:2023CXMMTCM022)