总结国医大师韩明向运用祛湿法治疗湿邪为患病症的经验。韩老认为,难病多寒湿,疑病多痰郁,湿胜则阳微,通 阳不在温,临证治疗强调痰气同治、升清降浊、补土化湿、升宣托化、解表通阳为祛湿主要法则,概括为“温化宣通,疏 调气机”。在湿邪为患病症的治疗中当以“温药”为主,然“温药”不拘于辛温之品;祛湿需审证变通,适时辅以解表行 气、芳香淡渗、辛甘化饮之法,才可达到“通阳解郁”的目的,获得良效。
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This paper summarized the experience of Chinese medical master Han Mingxiang in treating pathogenic-damp caused diseases by the method of dispelling dampness. Han Mingxiang believes that refractory diseases are usually caused by pathogenic cold and dampness,and complicated diseases are usually caused by phlegm and stagnation. Predominant dampness causes the inactivation of yang,and warming therapy is not the only one choice for activating yang. In clinical practice,he emphasizes the principles for dispelling dampness mainly by simultaneous treatment of phlegm and qi, lifting lucid yang and lowering turbid yin, nourishing spleen and resolving dampness, expelling and resolving pathogens by elevation and dispersion, relieving exterior and activating yang,which is summed up as“warming,resolving,dispersing and activating,regulating qi movement”. For the treatment of the diseases caused by pathogenic-damp, the warm-natured medicines are usually used frequently, and the warm-natured medicines are not limited to the pungent-warm medicine. For dispelling dampness,the method of relieving exterior and promoting qi movement,percolating and draining dampness with aromatics,and relieving fluid retention with pungent-sweet medicine can be chosen flexibly based on syndrome differentiation,thus to reach the goal of activating yang and resolving stagnation and to obtain satisfactory efficacy.