总结全国名中医杨骏教授针灸治疗腰痛经验。杨骏教授认为,腰痛病因广泛,病机复杂,主要与感受外邪、经脉痹 阻,年老肾虚、精亏不濡,跌仆闪挫、经脉瘀阻有关,辨证以寒湿痹阻、肾精亏虚、瘀血阻络为主。腰为肾之府,肾经贯 脊属肾,膀胱经夹脊络肾,督脉并于肾里,故本病与肾、膀胱经、督脉等关系密切。基本病机为经络气血阻滞不通则痛, 或肾精亏虚,经络失于濡养不荣则痛。治疗上以通督调神、散寒除湿、益肾活血、通络止痛为主要治则,将腰骶三针、调 理膀胱经与艾灸、电针疗法结合,以达最佳量效状态,临床疗效显著。
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This paper Summarizes the experience of national renowned Chinese medical practitioner professor YANG Jun in treating lumbar pain with acupuncture and moxibustion. In the view of professor YANG Jun,the etiology of lumbar pain is various and the pathogensis is complex, of which mainly related to be invaded by external pathogen,meridians obstructing blockage,kidney deficiency due to elderly,less of moistening due to kidney essence deficiency, sprain caused by fall and strike, and blood stasis obstructing meridians, and the syndrome differentiation of lumbar pain usually involves cold-damp obstructing blockage, kidney essence deficiency, and blood stasis blocking collaterals. The waist is the residence of kidney, kidney meridian runs through the spine and connecting it to the kidney,the bladder meridian locates on both sides of the spine and connecting it to the kidney,the circulation of governor vessel(GV)to the kidney,so the pathogensis of lumbar pain is closely related to kidney, bladder meridian, governor vessel. The basic pathogensis of lumbar pain is meridian qi and blood stasis stagnation,or the meridian less of moistening due to kidney essence deficiency,both of which cause pain. The main therapeutic principle for lumbar pain should be focusing on mind-regulating and meridians-dredging, cold-dispersing and damp-removing, kidney-boosting and blood-activating, as well as collateral-unblocking and pain-relieving,combining the lumbosacral spinal tri-needling,regulating the bladder meridian with moxibustion and electro-acupuncture,thus to achieve the optimal quantitative and effective state.
国家自然科学基金项目(编号:8157151194);安徽省临床医学研究转化项目(编号:202304295107020122);杨骏全国名中医传 承工作室资助项目(编号:皖中医药发展秘[2022]19 号);第七批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目(编号:国中医药办人教函 〔2021〕 272号)