卵巢早衰是卵巢功能减退的终末阶段,其病机复杂,与五脏功能失调密切相关,同时也与气郁、瘀血、痰湿等病理 产物交织在一起,临床上属于难治性疾病。针灸对于治疗卵巢早衰确有疗效,以经络-脏腑理论为基础,进一步扩展其内 涵,足厥阴经络系统与卵巢和五脏之肝均密切相关,奠定了从足厥阴肝经论治卵巢早衰的功能结构基础,是经络辨证论治 卵巢早衰的关键切入点。因此,该文基于“经络-脏腑”的理论基础,结合解剖学知识、细胞分子生物学等现代医学研究内 容,探索足厥阴肝经与卵巢的特殊联系,从而为进一步研究卵巢早衰的病理机制和针刺治疗取穴原则奠定基础,丰富针灸 治疗卵巢早衰的理论依据,完善经络-脏腑体系的科学内涵。
[Key word]
Premature ovarian failure(POF)is the final stage of diminished ovarian reserve,the pathogenesis of POF is complex and is closely related to the dysfunction of five-zang organs,meanwhile,it is also intertwined with pathological products such as qi stagnation,blood stasis and phlegm-damp,and POF is an obstinate disease clinically. Acupuncture and moxibustion are effective in the treatment of POF,based on the theory of meridian and collateral with zang-fu organs,acupuncture and moxibustion further expanding its connotation of formulating,the foot Jueyin meridian system is closely related to the ovaries and the liver of the five-zang organs,which lays a functional structural foundation for the treatment of POF from the viewpoint of liver meridian of foot Jueyin,and it is a key entry point of syndrome differentiation of meridians and collateral for POF. Therefore, based on the theoretical foundation of“meridian and collateral with zang-fu organs”,combining with anatomical knowledge, cellular molecular biology and other modern medical research, this paper explores the distinctive pathological relationship of between liver meridian of foot Jueyin and ovarian disease, and lays the foundation for further research on the pathological mechanism of POF and the point selection rules of acupuncture treatment,so as to expand the theoretical basis of acupuncture treatment of POF, and improve the theoretical connotation of formulating of meridian and collateral with zang-fu organs theory.
国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2019YFC1709104);中央财政中医药循证能力建设项目(编号:2019XZZX-ZJ007);湖南省卫生 计生委科研课题项目(编号:20201579);湖南省院士专家工作站(石学敏)开放基金项目(编号:2019YSZJJ02)