【目的】 探究急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患儿出生时间与发病时间的五运六气规律。【方法】 收集2021年6月至2023年 2 月就诊于苏州大学附属儿童医院的877例ALL患儿,分析其出生时间、发病时间的五运六气分布情况,探究其关联性,揭 示该病的素体因素及后天邪气致病特点。【结果】 出生在天干为丙、丁,地支为申、酉之年者最易罹患本病,出生之年客运 加临主运大多为相逆;在天干为庚、辛,地支为子、丑,岁运为金运、水运,司天-在泉为少阴君火-阳明燥金、太阴湿土- 太阳寒水,气运相合关系为天符、同天符、太乙天符、不和、小逆、天刑之年者最易发为本病。【结论】“金-燥”“水-寒” 均为ALL的素体因素及致病因素;ALL患儿发病与五运六气中木火之气不足及被郁滞密切相关。
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Objective To explore the five-circuit and six-qi features of birth time and onset time of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL). Methods A total of 877 cases of children with ALL from Childrens Hospital of Soochow University from June 2021 to February 2023 were collected,and their five-circuit and six-qi features of birth time and onset time were analyzed. And then the correlation of five-circuit and six-qi features of birth time and onset time with ALL was explored preliminarily,and the pathogenic characteristics of congenital factors and acquired pathogenic factors were revealed. Results(1)The children who were born in the year with the heavenly stems being bing(the 3rd of the ten heavenly stems)and ding(the 4th of the ten heavenly stems)and with the earthly branches being shen(the 8th of the twelve earthly branches)and you(the 9th of the twelve earthly branches) are prone to suffer from ALL,and the birth year of children with ALL had the five-circuit and six-qi features of the joining of guest circuit with dominant circuit being rebellious. ALL is commonly seen in the year with the heavenly stems being geng(the 7th of the ten heavenly stems)and xin(the 8th of the ten heavenly stems)and with the earthly branches being zi(the 1st of the twelve earthly branches)and chou(the 2nd of the twelve earthly branches),and the onset year of ALL in children had the five-circuit and six-qi features of the yearly circuit being gold-circuit and water-circuit,sitian-zaiquan yearly circuit qi being shaoyin monarch-fire with yangming dryness-gold,taiyin damp-earth with taiyang cold-water,and the qi-circuit assimilation relationship being celestial correspondence, same celestial correspondence, celestial correspondence in convergent year, disharmony, mildly-rebellious, and celestial restriction. Conclusion Gold-dryness and water - cold are the congenital factors and acquired pathogenic factors of ALL. The onset of ALL in children is closely related to qi insufficiency and qi stagnation of wood and fire in five-circuit and six-qi theory.