种痘样水疱病样淋巴组织增生性疾病 (hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoproliferative disorder,HVLPD) 是一组与EB病毒感染相关的慢性淋巴组织增生性疾病,好发于儿童。HVLPD的发病具有潜伏性、慢性活动性、发热性的特点,这与中医学伏邪温病之“邪气伏藏,逾时而发”的发病特点较契合。根据伏气温病的发展进程,中医辨证可按邪炽气营、热盛动风、热恋阴伤、气阴两虚分型,治疗可采用“清泻里热为主,兼顾护阴”为治则。从伏气温病视角探讨中医对该病认识,可为中医辨治HVLPD提供借鉴。
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Hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoproliferative disorder (HVLPD) is a group of chronic lymphoproliferative diorders associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection, which is prevalent in children. HVLPD is usually characterized by latency,being chronic active,and with the symptom of fever,which is more in line with the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) pathogenesis of “latent pathogen hidden in the body and attack under certain conditions” in latent epidemic febrile disease. According to the developmental process of latent epidemic febrile disease,TCM syndromes of HVLPD can be divided into flaming of pathogens in qi-nutrient system,intense heat stirring up wind,yin consumption due to heat retention,and deficiency of qi and yin. The therapeutic principle for HVLPD is mainly to purge the interior heat,and to protect yin simultaneously. Understanding of HVLPD from the prospective of latent epidemic febrile disease in the field of TCM will provide a reference for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of HVLPD in TCM.
广东省中医药局科研项目 (编号:20221132)