疼痛是帕金森病常见的非运动症状之一,约40%~85%的帕金森病患者会出现疼痛症状。庄礼兴教授认为,帕金森病疼痛属于“颤证”与“痛证”合病的范畴,“本虚标实,不荣则痛,不通则痛”为其病机特点。针刺治疗帕金森病疼痛可选用四神针、神庭、印堂、三阴交穴以补脑扶正、补益气血而止痛;采用合谷、太冲穴并行之导气同精手法,以畅调气机而止痛;选用神门、内关穴辅以宁心安神,缓解患者因焦虑等情绪障碍而增加的疼痛。 针刺治疗帕金森病疼痛可达标本同治、身心同调之效,可有效缓解患者的疼痛,提高患者的生活质量。
[Key word]
Pain is one of the common non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’ s disease,and about 40%-85% patients with Parkinson’ s disease have pain symptoms. Professor ZHUANG Li-Xing proposed that pain in Parkinson’ s disease could be classified under the category of comorbidity of “tremor syndrome” and “pain syndrome”,and its pathogenesis is characterized by “deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality, pain due to failure of nourishment and pain due to obstruction” . For the treatment of pain in Parkinson’ s disease,acupuncture therapy is performed usually on the following acupoints:acupuncture on Sishenzhen [the four points 1.5 inches apart from all sides of Baihui (GV20) point], Shenting (GV24) , Yintang (EX-HN3) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) was for tonifying the brain and supporting healthy qi,replenishing qi and blood to relieve pain; acupuncture on Hegu (LI4) and Taichong (LR3) with the manipulation of mildly conducting reversed qi and conserving vital essence was for activating qi movement to relieve pain; acupuncture on Shenmen (HT7) and Neiguan (PC6) was for tranquilizing mind,so as to relieve the increased pain due to anxiety and other emotional disorders. Acupuncture for the treatment of pain in Parkinson’s disease can achieve the efficacy of treating symptom and root cause simultaneously,relieving the discomforts physically and mentally,thus to relieve patients’ pain and improve the quality of life effectively.
国家自然科学基金项目 (编号:82174486);国家中医药传承创新中心科研专项 (编号:2022ZD04)