[Key word]
The concept of‘harmony’is the soul of traditional Chinese culture,which has a profound impact on the formation and development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).TCM is rooted in traditional Chinese culture,and the mode of thinking in TCM is in line with traditional Chinese culture. Based on the harmony culture,TCM has developed a unique view of health,disease and therapeutics.From the view of the harmony culture and by combining with years of clinical experience in treating dermatosis,Chinese medical master XUAN Guo-Wei has applied the concept of‘harmony’in the TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment system in clinic,and has developed the academic thoughts of harmonizing therapy for removing toxins for the diagnosis and treatment of dermatosis.The thoughts of harmonizing therapy for removing toxins includes four aspects,namely harmonizing yin and yang,harmonizing healthy qi and pathogenic qi,harmonizing water and fire(i.e.,clod and hot),and harmonizing the administration of formula and drugs,aiming to remove toxins and expel pathogens and value the harmony.The thoughts of harmonizing therapy for removing toxins will beneficial to the comprehensive understanding of the unique health-disease-therapeutics concept in TCM,and will be helpful for managing the doctor-patient relationship which is of enlightening significance to the modern clinical practice with TCM.
广东省重点领域研发计划项目(编号:2020B111100010);广东省科技厅重点领域研发计划项目 (编号:粤财科教[2020]52号);国家中医药管理局中医学术流派—岭南皮肤病流派传承工作室建设项目 (编号:LP0119045);禤国维教授教学名师工作室 (广中医校办〔2019〕129号);国家中医药管理局禤国维国医大师传承工作室建设项目 (国中医药办人教发〔2015〕24号)