【目的】采用R语言数据可视化技术挖掘登革热的中医证治规律,为登革热的中医辨治用药提供参考。 【方法】检索中国 知网 (CNKI) 、万方数据知识服务平台 (Wanfang Data) 、维普中文期刊服务平台 (VIP) 中收录的中医药治疗登革热的相关文献, 运用R Studio对中药内服方涉及的登革热中医证型、治法、方剂、中药进行描述性统计分析,基于Apriori算法进行关联规则 挖掘、聚类分析,以探讨登革热的中医证治规律。 【结果】共提取得到176条有效处方数据,涉及29个证型,73种中医治法, 56首经方与时方及35首自拟方,179味中药。其中卫气同病证、气营两燔证是中药内服方治疗登革热的高频证型;清热、 解毒、凉血、化湿为高频治法;清瘟败毒饮为高频运用方剂;甘草、连翘、黄芩、石膏、金银花等为高频用药;含赤芍、 牡丹皮、生地黄的药物组合共有3项,且其相关性最高。 水牛角、牡丹皮、赤芍、生地黄、金银花、连翘、石膏、黄芩、 知母、甘草是治疗登革热的核心中药。 【结论】登革热中医证型分布以卫气同病证、气营两燔证为多,中医治疗登革热以清 气分之热邪、凉营血之实热,兼化湿邪、养气阴为原则,治疗重在气血两清,同时重视化瘀在热病中的运用,见势及时阻 断疾病进展。
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Objective To investigate the patterns of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome differentiation and treatment for dengue fever by using R language data visualization technology,so as to provide reference for TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment of dengue fever. Methods The related literature of dengue fever treated by Chinese medicine was retrieved from CNKI,Wanfang Data,and VIP. R-Studio software was used to conduct descriptive statistical analysis of the TCM syndromes,treatment methods,prescriptions and Chinese medicine in the literature of dengue fever treated by oral use of Chinese medicine. Based on Apriori algorithm,association rule mining and cluster analysis were carried out to explore the TCM syndrome and treatment patters of dengue fever. Results A total of 176 prescriptions for effective cases were extracted, and the included literature involved 29 syndromes,73 TCM treatment methods,56 classical prescriptions and 35 self-formulated prescriptions,and 179 Chinese medicinals. The syndrome of comorbidity of defense phase and qi phase and the syndrome of blazing of both qi phase and nutrient phase were the high-frequency syndromes of dengue fever treated by oral use of Chinese medicine. The high-frequency treatment methods covered heat-clearing therapy,toxin-removing therapy,blood- cooling therapy and dampness-resolving therapy. Qingwen Baidu Decoction was the most frequently-used prescription. Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Forsythiae Fructus,Scutellariae Radix,Gypsum Fibrosum,and Lonicerae Japonicae Flos were the frequently-used Chinese medinals. There were three drug combinations containing Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,and Rehmanniae Radix,and their correlation of association rules was the highest. Bubali Cornu,Moutan Cortex,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Rehmanniae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, Forsythiae Fructus, Gypsum Fibrosum, Scutellariae Radix, Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma were the core Chinese medicinals for the treatment of dengue fever. Conclusion The TCM syndromes of dengue fever are predominated by the syndrome of comorbidity of defense phase and qi phase and the syndrome of blazing of both qi phase and nutrient phase. The treatment of dengue fever with TCM is based on the principle of clearing heat toxin from the qi phase, cooling the nutrient-blood excess heat, resolving pathogenic dampness,and nourishing qi and yin. The treatment focuses on clearing qi phase and blood phase,and the application of removing stasis in febrile diseases should be stressed,thus to block the progression of the disease in time.
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号:82274418);广东省重点领域研发计划项目 (编号:2020B1111100002);深圳市“医疗卫生 三名工程”建设项目 (编号:SZZYSM202206013);广东省中医药局科研项目 (编号:20241265);深圳市宝安区中医药临床研究 专项 (编号:2023ZYYLCZX-9,2023ZYYLCZX-11);深圳市宝安区医疗卫生科研项目 (编号:2023JD124,2023JD105);广东 省重点科室 (中西医协同科室) 建设项目;深圳市中西医结合医院院内课题 (编号:YJ-2023-106,YJ-2023-105)