耳鸣是临床难治疾病,且发病率高。赖氏通元针法认为,耳鸣不外虚实两端,虚者与神元关系密切,实者与外感六 淫、痰湿血瘀以及气滞阳郁等病理因素相关。通元针法以神元为本、以任督二脉为总纲、以调节阴阳为大法、注重局部与 整体相结合,并且强调补泻运用,具有扶正祛邪、固本培元的临床疗效。临床应用上通过“通督养神”法发挥心脑养神, 温助阳气的作用;“引气归元”法起培元固本,调畅气机的功效;配合随证而治,使邪去正安。气血生化有源并正常上荣于 耳窍,从而有效缓解患者的耳鸣症状。该文总结并分析了赖新生教授运用通元针法诊治耳鸣的经验,为临床应用提供新的 针灸治疗方案。
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Tinnitus is a clinically refractory disease with a high incidence. LAI’ s Tongyuan acupuncture method believes that tinnitus is nothing more than the two ends of deficiency and excess. The deficiency is closely related to original spirit,and the excess is related to the pathological factors such as externally-contracted six pathogenic factors,phlegm-damp and blood stasis,and qi stagnation and yang constraint. The Tongyuan acupuncture method is based on original spirit,takes the two vessels of conception vessel (CV) and governor vessel (GV) as the general outline,takes the regulation of yin and yang as the main method,pays attention to the combination of local and overall,and emphasizes the application of tonification and purgation,and has the clinical effect of reinforcing healthy qi and dispelling pathogen, cultivating the vital essence. In clinical application, the method of ‘unblocking governor vessel and nourishing spirit’ is used to play the role of heart and brain nourishing spirit and warming and supporting yang qi. The method of ‘conducting qi back to its source’ has the effect of cultivating the vital essence and regulating qi movement. The treatments should be cooperated according to the syndromes,so that the pathogens can be expelled and healthy qi can be settled. Qi and blood have origins of generation and transformation and normally nourishing in the ear,so as to effectively alleviate the patient’ s tinnitus symptoms. This paper summarizes and analyzes Professor LAI Xin-Sheng’ s Experience in the diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus by Tongyuan acupuncture method,and provides a new acupuncture treatment plan for clinical application.
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号:81873395);国家中医药管理局名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目 (编号:国中医药人教 201420);针灸治疗常见病、多发病、重大疾病的中医药研究专项资助项目 (编号:2022KJCX-ZJZL-15);广东省本科高校在线 开放课程资助项目 (编号:2022ZXKC105)