结合临床实践发现,多系统萎缩的临床表现复杂多样,但其中医病机可概括为以肾虚髓空为核心,阳气不足为重要 因素。通元疗法通过通调督脉可沟通脑肾,使肾精可上养脑髓,振奋一身之阳气,内以养元神及五脏六腑之神,外以濡养 四肢肌肉。重用任脉及腹部募穴以补肾培元、健脾益气,使先后天同调。临床上可基于该法针药并用,对于治疗多系统萎 缩具有指导意义。
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Combined with clinical practice,it is found that the clinical manifestations of multiple system atrophy are complex and diverse,but the pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine can be summarized as kidney deficiency and empty marrow as the core,and yang deficiency as an important factor. Tongyuan therapy can communicate with the brain and kidney by unblocking and regulating the governor vessel,so that the kidney essence can nourish the brain marrow,stimulate the yang qi of the whole body,nourish the original spirit and the spirit of the zang-fu organs,and nourish the muscles of the limbs. Make much of use conception vessels and abdominal front Mu point to tonify the kidney and cultivate the vital qi,strengthen the spleen and replenish qi,so that the prenatal and postnatal essence can be regulated simultaneously. Clinically, it can be based on the combination of acupuncture and Chinese medicine,which has guiding significance for the treatment of multiple system atrophy.
广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目 (编号:2023A1515011411);深圳市南山区高层次医学团队引进项目 (庄礼兴 教授中医针灸团队)(编号:SZSM202103010);广东省科技厅农村科技 (特派员) 项目 (编号:KTPYJ2021026)