重症脑血管病为涉及意识障碍的一类脑血管病重症,与中医中风病之中脏腑相对应。吴海科教授扎根于中医经典 《黄帝内经》《伤寒论》 等,尤其精研与中医病机相关的 《素问·至真要大论》,并结合临床实践,立足于传统四诊“望闻问 切”的辨证方法,简化并创立了针对重症脑血管病患者的“六辨”辨证体系,即“辨神志以知病情变化”“辨色泽以明气血 盛衰”“辨舌象以推病势进退”“辨脉象以判预后转归”“辨气息以识脏腑虚实”“辨寒热以知阴阳表里”,突出了神志、面 色、舌象、脉象、气息、寒热在重症脑血管病患者辨证中的意义。此“六辨”信息获取较简便,发挥了中医诊法在重症脑 血管病患者辨证中的特点和优势,可为建立重症脑血管病的中医临床诊疗规范提供参考。
[Key word]
Severe cerebrovascular disease is a kind of severe cerebrovascular disease involving disturbance of consciousness,which corresponds to the viscera of stroke in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). Rooted in the TCM classics such as Huang Di Nei Jing(The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic)and Shang Han Lun(Treatise on Cold Damage),Professor WU Hai-Ke studied the TCM pathogenesis theory recorded in the chapter of Profound and Important Theory in Plain Questions(Su Wen)carefully. Based on its clinical practice and inherited the traditional four diagnostic methods of inspection,auscultation-olfaction,interrogation,and palpation,Professor WU Hai-Ke simplified and created the six-differentiation method for the syndrome differentiation of patients with severe cerebrovascular disease:distinguishing the mind to learn the progression of the disease,distinguishing the complexion to know the exuberance or decline of qi and blood,distinguishing the tongue picture to predict the aggravation or relief of the disease,distinguishing the pulse condition to judge the prognosis,distinguishing the breath to know the deficiency or excess of zang-fu organs,and distinguishing cold-heat to identify the exterior, interior,yin and yang. The six-differentiation method highlights the significance of mind,complexion,tongue picture, pulse condition, breath, and cold-heat in the syndrome differentiation of patients with severe cerebrovascular disease. The clinical information of six-differentiation method is easy to obtain,and the method presents the characteristics and advantages of TCM diagnostic methods in the syndrome differentiation of patients with severe cerebrovascular disease,which will provide reference for the establishment of clinical diagnosis and treatment norms of TCM for severe cerebrovascular disease.
广东省科技计划项目(编号:2017A020213015);佛山市名中医传承工作室建设项目(佛卫函〔2022〕92 号);佛山市科技局科研 项目(编号:2020001005772)