癌性发热是恶性肿瘤在发病过程中出现的与肿瘤直接相关或因肿瘤治疗而引起的非感染性发热。国医大师王晞星教 授从“阴火理论”出发,认为脾胃气虚、阴火上冲为癌性发热之关键病机,病变脏腑涉及肝、脾、肾三脏,当以甘温益气、 健脾升阳、清泻阴火为首要治则;同时应重视“土木关系”,通过养血解郁、疏肝散火之法以调和肝脾;并通过滋阴清热、 引火归元之法阻断阴火的传变。王晞星教授根据多年临床经验,在补中益气汤基础上化裁创制补中调肝汤(药物组成包括黄 芪、党参、白术、升麻、柴胡、当归、白芍、麦冬、五味子、陈皮、蜈蚣、石见穿、八月札、炙甘草等),通过益中气、补 肝血、调肝气、消癥散结,以调和人体寒热阴阳,可有效改善肿瘤患者癌性发热症状。
[Key word]
Cancerous fever is a non-infectious fever that occurs during the progression of malignant tumors, which is directly related to the tumor or is caused by tumor treatment. Based on the yin-fire theory, Professor WANG Xi-Xing believes that the qi deficiency of spleen and stomach and the upward flaming of yin-fire are the key pathogenesis of cancerous fever. The cancerous fever involves the three zang-organs of liver, spleen and kidney,and its treatment should be achieved mainly by replenishing qi with warm-sweet medicinals,invigorating spleen and elevating yang,and clearing and purging yin-fire. Moreover,the correlation between earth(spleen) and wood(liver)should be taken into account,and harmonizing spleen and stomach can be achieved by nourishing blood and relieving depression,and soothing liver to disperse fire;the transmission of yin-fire should be blocked through the method of nourishing yin and clearing heat,and inducing fire to return to the source. After years of clinical experience, Professor WANG Xi-Xing establised Buzhong Tiaogan Decoction (mainly composed of Astragali Radix, Codonopsis Radix, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Cimicifugae Rhizoma, Bupleuri Radix,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Paeoniae Radix Alba,Ophiopogonis Radix,Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Scolopendra, Salviae Chinensis Herba, Fructus Akebiae, and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle), which is derived from Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. Buzhong Tiaogan Decoction is effective on relieving the symptoms of cancerous fever in cancer patients by benefiting the middle energizer qi,nourishing liver blood,regulating liver qi,eliminating abdominal mass and dissipating mass,so as to correct the cold,heat,yin and yang of the human body.
山西省卫健委山西省医学重大科技攻关专项(编号:2022XM10);国家中医药传承创新中心建设项目(编号:202203);第四届国 医大师传承工作室建设项目(编号:国中医药办人教函2022 245号1123-04);山西省中医临床医学研究中心(培育)项目(晋科社发 [2019] 61号);山西省卫健委山西省医学科技创新团队项目(编号:2020TD04)