总结章薇教授基于“和衡”理念运用“通利咽窍”组穴治疗中风后吞咽障碍的经验。章薇教授以“经络所过,主治 所及”“腧穴所在,主治所及”、靶点治疗、阴阳调衡等为理论基础,针对中风后吞咽障碍的基本病机,即脉络、咽窍痹阻 不通,气机不畅,以及中风病阴阳失调、气血逆乱的根本病机,提出 “和衡观”,遵循“通络启闭、利咽开窍、阴阳调衡” 的治疗原则,及“局部取穴,直接作用”“多经取穴,各取所长”“舌项体针,三位一体”“补泻结合,刺法有度”的治疗特 色,形成了独特的“通利咽窍”组穴。初步构建了舌组穴、项组穴、体组穴三部位结合的治疗方案,在临床治疗中风后吞 咽功能障碍上取得了独特疗效。
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This paper summarizes Professor ZHANG Wei’s experience in treating post-stroke dysphagia by using “unblocking pharyngeal orifice”grouping acupoints based on the concept of“harmonization and balance”. Professor ZHANG Wei based on the theoretical of “the treatments should focus on where the meridians and collaterals pass through”“the treatments should focus on where the acupoints are”,target treatment,yin and yang balance, etc., aiming at the basic pathogenesis of post-stroke dysphagia, that is, the obstruction of meridians and pharyngeal orifices,the obstruction of qi movement,as well as the fundamental pathogenesis of yin and yang imbalance and qi and blood disorder in stroke. She puts forward the concept of“harmonization and balance”,followed the treatment principle of“unblocking the collaterals by opening and closing,relieving sore throat and opening the orifices,balancing yin and yang”. The treatment characteristics of“selecting local acupoint and make direct action”“taking its own advantages by selecting multi-channel acupoint”“taking tongue,neck and body as a trinity acupuncture”and“combining supplementation and drainage to make a proper acupuncature therapy”have formed a unique“unblocking pharyngeal orifice”grouping acupoints. Professor ZHANG initially constructed a treatment plan combining tongue group acupoints,neck group acupoints and body group acupoints, and achieved unique effects in the clinical treatment of post-stroke dysphagia.
湖南省中医药管理局科研计划资助项目(编号:D2022056);湖南省重大研发计划资助项目(编号:2023SK2049);中央财政中 医药循证能力建设资助项目(编号:2019XZZX-ZJ007);湖南中医药大学第一附属医院中医康复服务能力提升工程开放基金资 助项目(编号:ZJ202306);湖南中医药大学科研基金与联合基金资助项目(编号:2021XJJJ048); 湖南中医药大学研究生创新 课题立项资助项目(编号:2023CX100)