【目的】 探讨个体出生当年的五运六气特征与常见肿瘤发生之间的联系,评估五运六气理论应用于现代肿瘤流行病学 研究的潜力。【方法】 利用SEER(Surveillance,Epidemiology,and End Results)数据库(1975 ~ 2020年)及广州中医药大学惠州 医院肿瘤科近3年收治的肿瘤病例数据,将出生年份转换为五运六气的相关要素,如中运、客气、主气及运气相合等,并通 过 LASSO 回归、单因素和多因素逻辑回归分析探讨这些要素与不同类型肿瘤发病风险之间的关系。【结果】(1)共涵盖了 2 215 896 例病例,其中来源于 SEER数据库的病例为2 215 024例,包括男性1 158 019例(占52.28%),女性1 057 005例(占 47.72%);本院病例为872例,包括男性527例(占60.44%),女性345例(占39.56%)。涉及乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌、结直肠 癌、胃癌和肝癌等多种类型。(2)研究发现,某些五运六气特征与特定肿瘤类型的发生存在显著相关性,如肺癌的发生与 “土运不足”有关,而乳腺癌的发生则与“水运不足”的年份有关等,表明出生时的五运六气特征可能与肿瘤发病风险之间 存在潜在联系。【结论】 该研究的初步发现支持了五运六气理论在预测不同肿瘤发生风险中的应用前景。然而,五运六气特 征与肿瘤发生之间的关系非常复杂,需要进一步的深入研究来探索其背后的机制。未来的工作可通过涵盖更大的人群样本, 以及更详细的出生时间,并考虑家族遗传、地理因素和环境因素等,以验证这些观察结果,为风险预测模型的建立以及中 医“治未病”理念在肿瘤预防和治疗中的实际应用提供科学依据。
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Objective To explore the relationship between the characteristics of five circuits and six qi(shorten as Wuyun Liuqi)in the birth year of the patients with common tumors and the occurrence of common tumors,and to evaluate the potential value of the Wuyun Liuqi theory in modern epidemiological research of tumors. Methods Clinical information was collected from the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results)database (1975-2020)and from the Department of Oncology, Huizhou Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in the recent 3 years. The birth year of the patients with common tumors were converted into the Wuyun Liuqi elements of zhongyun(yearly circuit), guest qi, dominant qi and combination of circuit and qi. The correlation of the Wuyun Liuqi elements with the risk of various types of tumors was explored by LASSO regression analysis,monofactorial regression analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results(1)A total of 2 215 896 cases were enrolled in the study,of which 2 215 024 cases were from SEER database,1 158 019 being male(52.28%)and 1 057 005 being female(47.72%). The rest of 872 cases were from our hospital,including 527 males(60.44%)and 345 females(39.56%). Breast cancer,prostate cancer,lung cancer,colorectal cancer,gastric cancer and liver cancer were involved.(2)It was found that there was a significant correlation between some Wuyun Liuqi elements and the occurrence of specific types of tumors. For example,the occurrence of lung cancer was related to insufficient tuyun(earth-element in motion)while the occurrence of breast cancer was related to the year of insufficient shuiyun(water-element in motion), indicating that there may be a potential relationship between the Wuyun Liuqi elements at birth with the risk of tumors. Conclusion The preliminary findings of this study support the feasibility of applying the theory of Wuyun Liuqi in predicting the risk of various types of tumors. However,for the complicated relationship between the characteristics of Wuyun Liuqi and tumorigenesis,further research is needed to explore the mechanism behind it. To provide more evidence for the establishment of risk prediction models and the practical application of traditional Chinese medicine concept of preventive treatment of disease in tumor prevention and treatment, future research should cover a larger population sample and more detailed birth time,and take family history,geographical factors and environmental factors.