缺血性卒中后抑郁(post-ischemic stroke depression)是脑血管病变常见的并发症。该文对国内近年来缺血性卒中后抑郁 造模方法及其模型评估、缺血性卒中后抑郁中医病证结合动物模型造模方法的研究进展进行综述,以期为拓展中医疗法的 临床应用及开展其疗效机制的研究提供基础。缺血性卒中后抑郁模型多采用脑卒中模型合并郁证的方法造模,主要有线栓 法结扎颈内动脉联合慢性不可预见性温和应激(chronic unpredictable mild stress,CUMS)及孤养法,线栓法结扎左颈内动脉、 右颈外动脉和左右椎动脉联合孤养及束缚应激法,以及线栓法结扎一侧颈总动脉联合可预见刺激及孤养法。缺血性卒中后 抑郁中医病证结合动物模型涉及肝气郁滞证、气虚血瘀证、痰蒙神窍证、肾虚证的缺血性卒中后抑郁动物模型的制备。目 前建立的缺血性卒中后抑郁中医病证结合动物模型,虽具备西医病理表现和中医证候的病症特征,但是否能反映临床患者 的病证结合本质,仍有待研究。
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Post-ischemic stroke depression(PISD)is a common complication of cerebrovascular disease. This article reviewed the research progress in the modeling methods and model evaluation of PISD in China in recent years,and the research progress in modeling methods for disease-syndrome combined animal model of PISD in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),in order to provide a basis for expanding the clinical application of TCM therapy and carrying out the research on the therapeutic mechanism. The PISD model was mostly established by the method for stroke model combined with the modeling method for depression syndrome. The combined methods included the method of internal carotid artery suture-occlusion and ligation combined with chronic unpredictable mild stress(CUMS)and feeding alone, method of suture-occlusion and ligation of left internal carotid artery,right external internal carotid artery,and bilateral vertebral artery combined with feeding alone and restraint stress, and the method of suture-occlusion and ligation of unilateral common carotid artery combined with predictable stress and feeding alone. The disease-syndrome combined animal model of PISD in TCM involved the replication of liver qi stagnation syndrome,qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome,phlegm clouding mental orifice syndrome, and kidney deficiency syndrome. Till now,the established disease-syndrome combined animal model of PISD in TCM only has the pathological manifestations of western medicine and the symptom characteristics of TCM syndromes, whether the model presenting the essence of disease-syndrome combination in clinical patients remains to be studied.
湖南省科技厅科技创新计划项目(编号:2017RS3052);湖南省院士专家工作站开放基金项目(编号:2018YSZJJ03);湖南中医药 大学教学改革研究立项项目(编号:2021JG007)