慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronic atrophic gastritis,CAG)是临床上常见的难治性胃病,属于胃癌前病变。刘凤斌教授及其团队 历经30余年的探索和实践,提出“脾虚为本,气血湿为标,瘀毒为变”是CAG“炎-癌”转化的病机演变特点。脾胃虚弱为 CAG发病的始动因素,贯穿疾病始终;气滞、血瘀、湿阻为CAG“炎-癌”转化的触发和加重因素;瘀毒的形成是CAG进展 和转变的关键。辨治应遵循“证镜结合,分期论治”的原则,辨病和辨证相结合,宏观和微观辨证相补充;健脾扶正需贯 穿始终。CAG早期阶段(胃黏膜以轻中度萎缩伴或不伴轻度肠上皮化生),其病机以脾胃虚弱为本,伴有气滞、湿阻、血瘀 病理因素,治疗以健脾清热、理气活血为基本治法;CAG晚期阶段(胃黏膜重度萎缩伴或不伴中重度肠上皮和/或轻中度上皮 内瘤变),基本病机为脾胃虚弱、痰瘀互结、胃络瘀毒,治疗以扶正散结、通络解毒为基本治法,从而构筑中医药阻断胃 “炎-癌”转化的整体防线。
[Key word]
Chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG)is a common intractable gastric disease in clinic,which belongs to the gastric precancerous lesions. Professor LIU Feng-Bin and his team have performed the exploration and practice in the field of CAG for more than 30 years,and they proposed that the evolution of the traditional Chinse medicine (TCM)pathogenesis of inflammation-to-tumor transition(ITT)in CAG was characterized by spleen deficiency being the root cause,qi stagnation,blood stasis and dampness retention being the branch cause,and stasis and toxin being the aggravating factors. Deificiency of the spleen and stomach is the initial factor of CAG, which influences the whole process of the disease. Qi stagnation,blood stasis and dampness retention are the triggering and aggravating factors for the ITT in CAG. The formation of blood stasis and toxin is the key to the progression and transition of CAG. Treatment of ITT in CAG should be based on the results of syndrome differentiation and gastroscopic findings by staging therapy. Before treatment,disease dianosis and syndrome differentiation should be made,and macro and micro syndrome differentiation should be carried out for assistance. Therapy of strengthening the spleen and supporting healthy qi should be implemented throughout the whole process of the disease. The early stage of CAG has the features of gastric mucosa with mild to moderate atrophy and with or without mild intestinal epithelial hyperplasia,the pathogenesis of early CAG is characterized by weakness of the spleen and stomach and is accompanied with the pathological factors of qi stagnation, damp-retention and blood stasis, and the basic treatment should adopt the therapies of strengthening the spleen and clearing heat,regulating qi and activating blood stasis. The advanced stage of CAG has the features of severe atrophic gastric mucosa with or without moderate to severe intestinal epithelial and/or mild to moderate intraepithelial neoplasia,the pathogenesis is characterized by weakness of the spleen and stomach, phlegm blended with blood stasis, and stasis-toxin in the gastric collaterals,and the basic treatment should adopt the therapies of supporting healthy qi and dissipating masses, and unblocking the collaterals and removing toxin,so as to construct an intact line to blocking the ITT in CAG with traditional Chinese medicine.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:81973819,82104602);广东省自然科学基金资助项目(编号:2023A1515011019);刘凤斌 广东省名中医传承工作室建设项目(粤中医办函[2020]1号);广州中医药大学“双一流”与高水平大学学科协同创新团队项目 (编号:2021xk18,2021xk47);广州中医药大学中医学学科中医基础理论揭榜桂帅项目(编号:2022JB04)