【目的】 分析针刺治疗非小细胞肺癌的选穴规律,为临床应用提供参考依据。【方法】 检索针刺治疗非小细胞肺癌的临 床研究、医家经验和学术思想以获取现代医家治疗非小细胞肺癌的针刺处方,基于穴位频次、组方规律、穴位聚类和核心 组合等统计方法,剖析现代医家使用针刺治疗非小细胞肺癌的核心理论体系以及选穴规律。【结果】 根据纳排标准最终纳入 94个针刺处方。使用频次>20次的穴位有 8个,分别是足三里、内关、肺俞、三阴交、气海、关元、合谷和中脘。高频穴 位组合排前3位的分别为足三里-内关,足三里-三阴交和气海-足三里;关联分析显示,足三里-内关的关联强度最高,其次 为足三里-三阴交、足三里-合谷。聚类分析显示:频次>10次的穴位可以分为三类。类别一包括:足三里、内关、三阴交、 合谷;类别二包括关元、气海、中脘、血海、太冲;类别三由两大部分组成,其一是膻中、天突、丰隆、太渊,其二是肺 俞、列缺、尺泽、中府、心俞、膏肓、风门。【结论】 针刺治疗非小细胞肺癌的核心选穴包括4类:①健脾益气:足三里、三 阴交、中脘和丰隆;②补益元气:关元、气海和膏肓;③理气宽胸:膻中、内关、天突和风门;④宣肺透气:肺俞、合谷、 尺泽和列缺。补气、调气和透邪三大治法是晚期非小细胞肺癌针刺治疗的基础,以补为主,以疏为辅,疏补并用,是针刺 治疗非小细胞肺癌的核心思路。
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Objective To analyse the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, and to provide reference for clinical application. Methods The clinical research, practitioner’s experience and academic thought of acupuncture treatment for non-small cell lung cancer were retrieved to obtain the acupuncture prescriptions of modern practitioners for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Based on the statistical methods of acupoint frequency,prescription rules,acupoint clustering and core combination,the core theoretical system and acupoint selection rules of acupuncture treatment of non-small cell lung cancer by modern practitioner were analyzed. Results According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,94 acupuncture prescriptions were finally included. There were eight acupoints used more than 20 times,which were Zusanli(ST36),Neiguan (PC6),Feishu(BL13),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Qihai(RN6),Guanyuan(RN4),Hegu(LI4)and Zhongwan(RN12).The top three high-frequency acupoint combinations were Zusanli-Neiguan, Zusanli-Sanyinjiao and QihaiZusanli;correlation analysis showed that the correlation strength of Zusanli-Neiguan was the highest,followed by Zusanli-Sanyinjiao and Zusanli-Hegu. The cluster analysis showed that the acupoints with frequency>10 times could be divided into three categories. Category 1 includes:Zusanli,Neiguan,Sanyinjiao,Hegu;category 2 includes Guanyuan,Qihai,Zhongwan,Xuehai(SP10),Taichong(LR3);category 3 consists of two parts,one is Danzhong(RN17),Tiantu(RN22),Fenglong(ST40),Taiyuan(LU9);the second is Feishu(BL13),Lieque (LU7),Chize(LU5),Zhongfu(LU1),Xinshu(BL15),Gaohuang(BL43),Fengmen(BL12). Conclusion The core acupoints for acupuncture treatment of non-small cell lung cancer include four categories:① invigorating the spleen and benefiting qi:Zusanli,Sanyinjiao,Zhongwan and Fenglong;②replenishing and supplementing original qi:Guanyuan,Qihai and Gaohuang;③regulating qi and broadening the chest:Danzhong,Neiguan, Tiantu and Fengmen; ④ diffusing the lung and ventilating qi: Feishu, Hegu, Chize and Lieque. The three treatment methods of replenishing qi,regulating qi and venting pathogen are the basis of acupuncture treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer. The core idea of acupuncture treatment of non-small cell lung cancer focuses on supplementation,supplemented by dredging,and to dredge and supplement simultaneously.
“十四五”国家重点研发计划课题资助项目(编号:2023YFC3503303);广东省中医证候临床研究重点实验室课题资助项目(编号: 2023KT15478);国家中医药管理局中医药创新团队及人才支持计划资助项目(编号:ZYYCXTD-C-202204);粤港澳中医药与 免疫疾病研究联合实验室资助项目(编号:2020B1212030006)