【目的】 通过数据挖掘技术分析临床针灸治疗急性肾绞痛选穴组方的规律。【方法】 检索中国知网期刊全文数据库 (CNKI)、万方学术期刊全文数据库(Wanfang)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、PubMed数据库已经公开发表并收录的关于 针灸治疗急性肾绞痛的临床文献,通过严格筛选,采用 Microsoft Excel、SPSS 26.0、IBM SPSS Modeler 15.0软件以及其中的 Apriori 算法对纳入文献进行信息挖掘与分析。【结果】 纳入 110 篇关于针灸治疗急性肾绞痛的临床文献,统计针灸处方共 110条,涉及使用腧穴共59个,其中,肾俞、阿是穴和三阴交的使用频次最高;常用经脉为足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经、足 阳明胃经;腧穴主要分布在下肢与腰背部;从选用穴位类型来看,五输穴、背俞穴、下合穴为首选;双穴组合配伍中,肾 俞、阿是穴组合支持度最高;三穴组合配伍中,肾俞、三阴交、阿是穴组合支持度最高;核心腧穴组合是肾俞与阿是穴组 合。【结论】 针灸治疗急性肾绞痛的腧穴选择和组方是有规律可循的,所总结的选穴和组方规律能够为其临床治疗和科学研 究提供参考。
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Objective To study the rules of acupoint selection and prescription in clinical acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of acute renal colic. Methods The clinical literature on the treatment of acute renal colic by acupuncture and moxibustion has been published and included in CNKI,Wanfang,VIP and PubMed databases. Through strict screening,Microsoft Excel,SPSS 26.0,IBM SPSS Modeler 15.0 software and Apriori algorithm were used to conduct in-depth information mining and analysis of the included literature. Results A total of 110 acupuncture prescriptions were included in the clinical literature on the treatment of acute renal colic, involving the use of a total of 59 acupoints,of which Shenshu(BL23),Ashi and Sanyinjiao(SP6)were the most frequently used; the commonly used meridians were the foot taiyang bladder meridian, the foot taiyin spleen meridian,and the foot yangming stomach meridian;the acupoints were mainly located in the lower limbs and the lumbar back;in terms of the type of points,the Wushu(BL67),back-shu point,lower confluent point are the first choice; in the combination of two acupoints, the combination of Shenshu and Ashi points had the highest support;among the three-point combinations,the combination of Shenshu,Sanyinjiao and Ashi points had the highest support;and the core acupoint combination was the combination of Shenshu and Ashi points. Conclusion The selection of acupoints and the combination of prescriptions for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of acute renal colic has a retrospective law to follow,which can provide important reference value for clinical treatment and scientific research.