【目的】 探究岭南地区亚健康人群睡眠状况与中医体质类型的相关性。【方法】 选取2022年5月~2023年5月于深圳市宝 安区中医院治未病中心就诊的688例在深圳市居住5年以上,无严重心血管疾病,经亚健康人群评定量表评定为亚健康的人 群为研究对象,采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)量表、中医体质评定量表对其进行问卷调查,并将其睡眠状况与中医体质 类型进行多元线性回归分析。【结果】(1)调查问卷发放回收情况:共发放688份问卷,其中,失访19份,回收669份,剔除 无效问卷29份,最终共纳入有效问卷640份。(2)不同睡眠状况人群的PSQI量表评分情况:根据PSQI量表得分情况将人群分 为睡眠优组(PSQI总分<8分)350例和睡眠差组(PSQI总分≥8分)290例,组间比较,睡眠优组的入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠 障碍得分以及总分均明显低于睡眠差组(P<0.05或 P<0.01)。(3)不同睡眠状况人群的中医体质类别分布情况:睡眠优者多 表现为平和质(86.86%),睡眠差者多表现为偏颇体质(79.64%)。睡眠差人群中,偏颇体质排前 3 位的分别是湿热质 (15.52%)、痰湿质(13.79%)以及气郁质(13.10%)。(4)多元线性回归分析结果显示,入睡时间与痰湿质、气郁质呈正相关 (P<0.01),与平和质呈负相关(P<0.05);睡眠效率与湿热质、特禀质呈正相关(P<0.05 或 P<0.01),与平和质呈负相关 (P<0.05);睡眠障碍与气郁质、阴虚质呈正相关(P<0.01);催眠药物与阴虚质呈正相关(P<0.01);日间功能障碍与痰湿 质呈正相关(P<0.05)。【结论】 岭南地区亚健康人群睡眠状况与其中医体质类型具有一定相关性,湿热质、痰湿质、气郁质、 阴虚质、平和质、特禀质是影响睡眠状况主要的6种中医体质类别;结合中医体质辨识指导亚健康人群通过改善其体质从而 达到未病先防的目的是很有意义的。
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Objective To explore the correlation between sleep status and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution types of sub-healthy population in Lingnan area. Methods From May 2022 to May 2023,an investigation was carried out in a sub-healthy population of 688 persons who lived in Shenzhen for more than 5 years,had no serious cardiovascular disease and were confirmed by the sub-health rating scale. The questionnaire survey of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)scale and the TCM constitution classification rating scale was conducted, and multiple linear regression analysis was performed to explore the correlation between the sleep status and TCM constitution types. Results(1)A total of 688 questionnaires were released,of which 19 were lost to follow-up, and 669 were responded. After weeding out the 29 invalid questionnaires,640 valid questionnaires were finally included for the analysis.(2)According to the PSQI score,the population was divided into excellent sleep group (total PSQI score<8)of 350 cases and poor sleep group(total PSQI score ≥ 8)of 290 cases. The item scores of time for falling asleep,sleep time and sleep disorder as well as the total PSQI score of the excellent sleep group were significantly lower than those of the poor sleep group(P<0.05 or P<0.01 ).(3)The persons with excellent sleep usually had the balanced constitution(86.86%), while the persons with poor sleep often had the biased constitution(79.64%). The top three biased constitution types in the persons with poor sleep were damp-heat constitution(15.52%),phlegm-damp constitution(13.79%)and qi-stagnation constitution(13.10%).(4)Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the time for falling asleep was positively correlated with phlegm-damp constitution and qi-stagnation constitution(P<0.01), and was negatively correlated with balanced constitution (P<0.05); the sleep efficiency was positively correlated with damp-heat constitution and inherited special constitution(P<0.05 or P<0.01),and was negatively correlated with balanced constitution(P<0.05);sleep disorder was positively correlated with qi-stagnation constitution and yin-deficiency constitution (P<0.01); hypnotic drugs were positively correlated with yin-deficiency constitution(P<0.01); daytime dysfunction was positively correlated with phlegm-damp constitution (P<0.05). Conclusion The sleep status of sub-healthy population in Lingnan area has a certain correlation with TCM constitution types. Damp-heat constitution,phlegmdamp constitution,qi-stagnation constitution,yin-deficiency constitution,balanced constitution and inherited special constitution are the six constitution types that affect sleep status. It is of great significance to guide the subhealthy population to achieve the purpose of prevention before illness by improving their constitution after the identification of TCM constitution types.