【目的】 探究宫颈高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HR-HPV)感染者中医证候特征,为临床辨证论治提供参考。【方法】 收集2020年 9月至2022年10月于天津中医药大学第二附属医院妇科就诊行HPV检测确诊为宫颈HR-HPV感染者进行中医证候调查,总 结其病位、病性特点及证型分布。【结果】 宫颈HR-HPV感染者的临床特征主要以阴道分泌物异常为主,占63.40%。病位证 素为胞宫、脾、肝、肾、经络、胃、心神、心,其中以胞宫、脾、肝最多见,分别占67.00%、58.80%和55.80%。病性证素 为湿、热、气滞、血瘀、气虚、阳虚、阴虚、痰、寒,其中以湿、热、气滞、血瘀最多见,分别占 66.40%、56.60%、 36.00% 和 31.80%。各年龄段病位证素均以胞宫为主,病性证素均以湿、热为主。双病位证素以胞宫-脾最常见,三病位证 素以胞宫-脾-肝最常见。双病性证素以湿-热最常见,三病性证素以湿-热-血瘀最常见。根据聚类分析结果,结合临床实 际,发现宫颈HR-HPV感染者的主要证型分布为湿热瘀阻、肝郁气滞、心肾不交、脾胃阳虚。【结论】 宫颈HR-HPV感染者 的中医病位证素主要在胞宫,兼脾、肝、肾多脏腑合病;病性证素以湿、热为主,呈现虚实错杂的特点;中医证型主要是 湿热瘀阻、肝郁气滞、心肾不交、脾胃阳虚。
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Objective To explore the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndromes in patients with cervical high-risk human papillomavirus(HR-HPV)infection,and to provide reference for clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment of cervical HR-HPV patients. Methods From September 2020 to October 2022,the TCM syndrome manifestations of cervical HR-HPV infection diagnosed by HPV detection in the Gynecology Department of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were investigated,and then the distribution of disease-location syndrome elements,disease-nature syndrome elements and syndrome types was analyzed. Results The patients with cervical HR-HPV infection were usually manifested with abnormal vaginal secretions, which accounted for 63.40%. The disease-location syndrome elements of cervical HR-HPV infection were uterus,spleen,liver,kidney,meridians,stomach,heart spirit and heart. Among them,uterus,spleen and liver were most commonly-seen,accounting for 67.00%,58.80% and 55.80% respectively. The disease-nature syndrome elements were dampness, heat, qi stagnation, blood stasis, qi deficiency,yang deficiency,yin deficiency,phlegm and cold. Among them,dampness,heat,qi stagnation and blood stasis were most commonly-seen,accounting for 66.40%,56.60%,36.00% and 31.80%,respectively. In various age groups of the infected patients,the uterus was the predominated disease-location syndrome element, and dampness and heat were the predominated disease-nature syndrome elements. The uterus-spleen was the predominated double disease-location syndrome element,and the uterus-spleen-liver was the predominated triple disease-location syndrome element. Damp-heat was the predominated double disease-nature syndrome element, and damp-heat-blood stasis was the predominated triple disease-nature syndrome element. According to the results of cluster analysis and with reference to the clinical practice,it was found that the main syndrome types of the patients with cervical HR-HPV infection were damp-heat stasis stagnation,liver depression and qi stagnation, heart-kidney incoordination, spleen-stomach yang deficiency. Conclusion In the view of the TCM syndrome, cervical HR-HPV infection is mainly affected with the uterus,and also involves the spleen,liver and kidney. The disease-nature syndrome elements are characterized by dampness and heat, showing the characteristics of deficiency interweaved with excess. The main TCM syndrome types are damp-heat stasis stagnation, liver depression and qi stagnation,heart-kidney incoordination,and spleen-stomach yang deficiency.