【目的】运用数据挖掘方法分析黄力教授辨治冠心病经皮冠状动脉介入术 (PCI) 后再发心绞痛的用药规律。 【方法】收集 黄力教授于中日友好医院门诊治疗冠心病PCI术后再发心绞痛的有效病例的处方资料。采用SPSS Statistics 26.0软件和SPSS Modeler 18.0软件对处方中药进行频次统计、功效和性味归经分析、关联规则分析、聚类分析和因子分析。 【结果】共得到中 药处方344首,涉及中药209味,累计用药频次为5 874次。以出现频次居前30位的中药为高频中药,其中使用频次>100次 的中药依次为黄芪、川芎、葛根、红景天、三七、茯苓、降香、白术、莪术、三棱、山药、陈皮、法半夏、党参、甘草等。 高频中药的功效归类以活血化瘀药和补气药最多。药物的药性以温性、平性和寒性为主,药味偏甘、辛、苦,归经以归脾 经、肺经、肝经为主。挖掘得到关联规则30条,聚类组合5类,公因子11组。 【结论】黄力教授治疗心血管疾病常以气、血、 水理论为指导,尤重气机升降;认为气虚血瘀为PCI术后再发心绞痛的基本病机,治疗多以益气活血化瘀立法,五脏同调、 寒温并用,辅以益气健脾、化痰利水、安神宁心、行气散结、破血逐瘀之品。
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Objective To explore the medication rules of Professor HUANG Li for the treatment of recurrent angina pectoris after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for coronary heart disease by data mining method. Methods The prescriptions for effective cases of recurrent angina pectoris after PCI for coronary heart disease treated by Professor HUANG Li in the outpatient department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital were collected. SPSS Statistics 26.0 software and SPSS Modeler 18.0 software were used for frequency statistics, analysis of the therapeutic actions,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the prescribed herbs as well as association rule analysis,cluster analysis and factor analysis of the herbs. Results A total of 344 Chinese medicine prescriptions were obtained,involving 209 herbs,with a cumulative frequency of 5 874 times. The top 30 Chinese medicinals were named as the high-frequency Chinese medicines, and the herbs with the frequency over 100 times in descending order were Astragali Radix,Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Puerariae Lobatae Radix,Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma, Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Poria, Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Curcumae Rhizoma, Sparganii Rhizoma, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum,Codonopsis Radix,and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. The high- frequency Chinese medicinals were mostly classified as blood-activating and stasis-resolving drugs and qi- replenishing drugs. The medicinal properties of the drugs were characterized by being warm,mild,or cold, the flavors were predominated by being sweet,pungent or bitter,and the medicinals usually had the meridian tropism of the spleen,lung and liver meridians. A total of 30 association rules were mined out,cluster analysis yielded 5 herbal groups, and factor analysis yielded 11 groups of common factors. Conclusion For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases,Professor HUANG Li follows the theory of qi,blood and water,and especially pays more attention to the ascending and descending of qi movement. For qi deficiency and blood stasis contribute to the basic pathogenesis of recurrent angina pectoris after PCI,the therapy of benefiting qi,activating blood and removing stasis is recommended. Moreover,the simultaneous regulation of five zang-organs and simultaneous use of the cold and warm herbs are performed,and the herbs of benefiting qi and invigorating spleen,resolving phlegm and inducing diuresis,tranquilizing mind,promoting qi and dissipating masses,and activating blood to eliminate stasis are used for adjuvant therapy.
广东省中医药管理局科研课题 (编号:20232146)