非酒精性脂肪性肝病(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)是指由多种原因引起的,以肝实质细胞脂肪变性和脂肪 蓄积为特征的一类疾病,近年来在我国的发病率较高。中医认为,NAFLD可归属“肥气”“积聚”“癥瘕”等范畴,脾失健 运是NAFLD的核心病机,以运脾化积法干预NAFLD可取得良好疗效。该文通过整理近10年有关运脾化积法治疗NAFLD的 临床研究及其疗效机制的实验研究,发现运脾化积法治疗NAFLD可通过采用复方制剂内服及针推理疗外治取效,其疗效机 制具有多功效、多靶点、多通路的特点。该文献综述可为中医临床诊疗NAFLD提供思路,为运脾化积法防治NAFLD的药物 研发、机制探索等提供理论支撑。
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a kind of disease caused by a variety of reasons,which is characterized by steatosis and fat accumulation in liver parenchymal cells. In recent years, the morbidity of NAFLD has been relatively high in China. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine,NAFLD can be classified into the categories of “hepatic mass”,“abdominal mass” and “concretions and conglomerations”. Spleen failing in transportation is the core pathogenesis of NAFLD,and the intervention of NAFLD with the method of activating spleen and resolving accumulation (shortened to Yunpi Huaji method) has achieved good results. In this paper,the clinical research of Yunpi Huaji method for the treatment of NAFLD and experimental research on its therapeutic mechanism in the past 10 years were reviewed. The results showed that the treatment of NAFLD by Yunpi Huaji method can be achieved by oral use of compound preparations and external treatment such as acupuncture,tuina and physiotherapy,and the therapeutic mechanism in the prevention and treatment of NAFLD was through multiaction,multi-target and multiple signaling pathways. The review will provide thoughts for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD in traditional Chinese medicine, and will supply theoretical support for the medicine development and mechanism exploration of Yunpi Huaji method for the prevention and treatment of NAFLD.