太乙神针是指将药物加艾绒配制成的艾条点燃后隔符纸按压熨于穴位的方法,是一种在临床具有显著疗效的灸疗方 法。太乙神针法最初由清代的范毓䭲在广东做官之际传入岭南,此后得以广泛传播。在岭南地区流行的由清代顺德周桂山 所辑的 《经验良方》 著作中,记载有一种独特的隔姜灸“太乙神针”法,其出现时间早于 1856 年叶圭所创的隔姜罩碗的 “太乙神针灸法”。对比清代19种有关“太乙神针”著作,发现这种独特的隔姜灸“太乙神针”法仅记载于几种岭南医书中, 其太乙神针药方(组成药物为麝香、川乌、草乌、生南星、生半夏、雄黄、雌黄、丁香、细辛、威灵仙、蜈蚣、硫黄,共 12 味)中不加艾绒,而是将药物制备成药块进行隔姜灸。该文对岭南隔姜灸“太乙神针”法的来源与特点进行考述,以期为 临床灸法的拓展提供思路。
[Key word]
Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion refers to the method of compressing the ignited moxa-stick which is made of medicine and moxa on the acupoints by the partition of paper with Taoism magic figures,and the method has achieved significant efficacy in clinic. Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion was first introduced to Lingnan area by FAN Yu-Ni in the Qing Dynasty when he was an official in Guangdong,and has been widely spread since then. In the book of Jing Yan Liang Fang(Empirical Prescriptions) which was compiled by ZHOU Gui-Shan born in Shunde region and in Qing Dynasty and was popular in Lingnan area,there is a unique method of ginger-separated Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion, which appeared earlier than the ginger-separated and bowl-covered Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion created by YE Gui in 1856. The comparison of 19 kinds of works on Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion issued in the Qing Dynasty showed that the unique ginger-separated Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion was only recorded in several Lingnan medical books, the medicated prescription for Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion (composed of 12 drugs, namely Moschus, Aconiti Radix, Aconiti Kusnezoffii Radix, Arisaematis Rhizoma, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Realgar, Orpiment, Caryophylli Flos, Asari Radix et Rhizoma, Clematidis Radix et Rhizoma,Scolopendra and Sulfur) was without moxa added,and the drugs were made into the medicine block for ginger-separated moxibustion. In this article, the origin and characteristics of Lingnan ginger-separated Taiyi moxa-stick moxibustion were investigated to provide ideas for the expansion of clinical application of moxibustion.