对中医古籍中有关搐鼻法的论述进行整理与分析。搐鼻法为中医外治法之一,通过药物作用于鼻腔,从而通窍取嚏 以治病。搐鼻法的中医取效机制与鼻为邪之出入通道之一有关,其取嚏机制与吐法类似,二者均具有通滞、祛邪外出、升 提、解肌作用。中医古籍中,搐鼻法最常用于牙关紧闭、不省人事、中风、猝死等急性病症的治疗;其次,在头痛、黄疸、 盘肠生产(即生产时子肠脱出)、转胎(即胎位不正)、小儿惊风、鼻渊、目生翳障、瘟疫等内科、妇产科、儿科、眼科、鼻 喉科疾病及传染病中也可散见其运用。搐鼻法常用药有皂荚、赤小豆、鹅不食草、瓜蒂、生半夏、细辛、麝香、荜茇、藜 芦、蓖麻子、川芎、莱菔子等。探析中医古籍中有关搐鼻法的论述,可为搐鼻法的现代临床运用提供参考。
[Key word]
The statements of sneeze-inducing nasal application therapy recorded in the ancient traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) books were sorted out and analyzed. The sneeze-inducing nasal application therapy is one of the external treatment methods of TCM. The therapy can heal the disease through dredging orifices and inducing sneeze with Chinese medicine acting on the nasal cavity. The therapeutic TCM mechanism of sneeze-inducing nasal application therapy is related with the nose which is one of the channels for expelling the pathogenic qi,and the sneeze-inducing mechanism of the therapy is similar to emetic method, and both of them have the actions of unblocking the stagnation,driving out pathogens,elevating qi,and releasing muscles. In the ancient TCM books, the sneeze-inducing nasal application therapy is most commonly used for the treatment of acute diseases such as trismus,unconsciousness,stroke and sudden death. Secondly,the therapy is indicated for the medical diseases, the diseases of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, and rhinolaryngology, and infectious diseases such as headache,jaundice,uterus-prolapse parturition(i.e.,prolapse or uterus during childbirth ), fetal transfer(i. e., malposition of fetus), infantile convulsion, nasosinusitis, ocular pannus, and plague. Commonly-used drugs for neeze-inducing nasal application therapy include Gleditsiae Fructus,Phaseoli Semen, Centipedae Herba, Pedicellus Melo, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Asari Radix et Rhizoma, Moschus, Piperis Longi Fructus, Veratri Nigri Radix et Rhizoma, Ricini Semen, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and Raphani Semen. The investigation on the statements of sneeze-inducing nasal application therapy recorded in the ancient TCM books will provide reference for the modern clinical application of the therapy.
国家中医药管理局中医药标准化项目(编号:SATCM-2015-BZ);广东省中医院黄煌学术经验传承工作室建设项目(编号:中医 二院[2014]89号)