结节性甲状腺肿归属于中医“瘿病”范畴。黄仰模教授认为,情志不调为结节性甲状腺肿的主要致病因素,病症表 现与肝经循行部位相应,故提出结节性甲状腺肿的治疗需重视从肝论治,疏肝理气应贯穿整个治疗过程。临证注重分期、 分型治疗,以疏肝理气、化痰散结、活血化瘀为主要治疗原则。早期患者多表现为气郁痰阻型和胃热亢盛型,可分别予以 四海舒郁丸合消瘰丸、白虎加人参汤合麦门冬汤加减治疗;中期以痰瘀互结型为主,可采用消瘰丸合桂枝茯苓丸加减治疗; 后期多表现为气阴两虚型,可采用生脉散合麦门冬汤加减治疗。同时结合现代药理研究成果,酌情选用特色中药,如收敛 固涩之龙骨、牡蛎,软坚散结之浙贝母、玄参、夏枯草、猫爪草、八月札,活血消癥之三棱、莪术,广东道地药材王不留 行、岗梅根、荔枝核等。其辨治用药可为临床运用中药治疗结节性甲状腺肿提供借鉴。
[Key word]
Nodular goiter belongs to the category of “goiter disease” in the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Professor HUANG Yang-Mo believes that emotional disorders are the main pathogenic factor of nodular goiter,and the distribution of the symptoms is corresponding to the region along the liver meridian. Therefore,it is proposed that the treatment of nodular goiter can be carried out from the perspective of the treatment from the liver, and the therapy of soothing liver and regulating qi should be performed through the whole treatment process. Clinically, staging treatment and treatment based on syndrome differentiation are stressed, and the treatment follows the therapeutic principles of soothing liver and regulating qi, resolving phlegm and dissipating masses, activating blood and removing stasis. The patients in the early stage of nodular goiter are mostly manifested as qi stagnation and phlegm obstruction type and exuberance of stomach heat type,and can be treated with modified Sihai Shuyu Pills plus Xiaoluo Pills, White Tiger Decoction with Radix Ginseng plus Radix Ophiopogonis Decoction respectively. The patients in the middle stage are usually differentiates as phlegm blended with blood stasis type,and can be treated with modified Xiaoluo Pills plus Guizhi Fuling Pills. In the later stage,the patients are mostly manifested as the syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin,and can be treated with modified Shengmai Powder plus Radix Ophiopogonis Decoction. Furthermore,special Chinese medicinals are selected based on the achievements of modern pharmacological research for actual needs. For example,Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae are used for inducing astringency; Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus, Scrophulariae Radix, Prunellae Spica, Ranunculi Ternati Radix, and Akebiae Fructus can be used for softening hardness and dissipating masses; Sparganii Rhizoma and Curcumae Rhizoma are used for activating blood and eliminating abdominal mass; Guangdong genuine medicinal materials such as Vaccariae Semen,Ilicis Asprellae Radix,and Litchi Semen are also adopted. The experience of Professor HUANG Yang-Mo in differentiating and treating nodular goiter will provide reference for the clinical application of Chinese medicine in the treatment of nodular goiter.