采用数据挖掘技术分析针灸治疗儿童抽动障碍的选穴规律。【方法】计算机检索自1992年1月至2022年12月中 国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台(Wanfang)、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台(VIP)、中国生物医学文献数据 库(SinoMed)及PubMed数据库收录的针灸治疗儿童抽动障碍的临床研究文献。通过Excel 2019建立数据库,统计常用治疗方 法,并对高频应用方法针刺(高频腧穴、腧穴归经、腧穴关联规则、腧穴聚类)、耳穴压豆(高频耳穴、穴位关联规则)、头 穴丛刺高频分区进行分析。【结果】共纳入有效文献190篇,涉及270条针刺处方;其中针刺法腧穴统计184个,应用总频次 1 906次,高频应用腧穴依次为百会、太冲、风池、合谷、三阴交、内关、神门、足三里、印堂、四神聪;高频经脉为督 脉、足阳明胃经、足少阳胆经、手阳明大肠经、足太阳膀胱经、足厥阴肝经;通过SPSS modeler 18.0及IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0软件分析得出3组穴位强关联规则和5个聚类。耳穴压豆穴位29个,应用总频次206次,高频应用耳穴依次为神门、 肝、心、皮质下、肾;通过SPSS modeler 18.0软件分析得出4组穴位强关联规则。应用头穴丛刺分区共涉及14区,其中高频 分区为顶颞前斜线、顶旁1线、舞蹈震颤控制区。【结论】针刺治疗儿童抽动障碍,以其病机(肝亢、肾亏、脾虚、痰扰等)及 抽动部位,进行选穴配伍,多选用阳经经穴,这与风邪的性质及其治病特点相关。儿童抽动障碍与情志障碍息息相关,故 针刺、耳穴均重视疏肝、清心之法,调畅情志。头穴丛刺多采用顶颞前斜线、顶旁1线、舞蹈震颤控制区进行抽动障碍的治 疗。耳穴压豆与头穴丛刺,对于儿童来说,痛苦小,治法作用时间长,不易出现弯针、断针等危险情况。
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To analyze the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture for the treatment of tic disorders in children based on data mining techniques. Methods A computerized search was conducted for the clinical research literature on acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children included in the CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,SinoMed, and PubMed databases from January 1992 to December 2022 . A database was established by Excel 2019 to count the commonly used treatment methods and analyze the high-frequency application methods acupuncture(highfrequency acupoints,channel entry of acupoints,acupoint association rules,and acupoint clustering),auricular point seed-pressing(high-frequency auricular points,and acupoint association rules),and the high frequency division of cluster needling of scalp point. Results A total of 190 valid literature articles were included,involving 270 acupuncture prescriptions; among them, 184 acupoints were counted in the acupuncture method, with a total application frequency of 1 906 times, and the high-frequency application of the acupoints in descending order were Baihui(DU20),Taichong(LR3),Fengchi(GB20),Hegu(LI4),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Neiguan (PC6), Shenmen(HT7), Zusanli(ST36), Yintang(EX-HN3), Sishencong(EX-HN1); and the highfrequency meridians were governor vessol,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot shaoyang gallbladder meridian,hand taiyang large intestine meridian,foot taiyang bladder meridian,foot jueyin gallbladder meridian; three sets of strong association rules and five clusters of acupoints were analyzed by SPSS modeler 18.0 and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 software. There were 29 acupoints of auricular point seed-pressing, application total frequency was 206 times,high-frequency application of auricular points in descending order of Shenmen (HT7), liver, heart, subcortex, kidney; four groups of acupoint strong association rules were obtained through the analysis of SPSS modeler 18.0 software. A total of 14 zones were involved in the application of cephalic acupoint plexus zoning, of which the high-frequency zones were parietal anterior temporal diagonal, parietal parietal 1, and chorea tremor control zone. Conclusion Acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children, according to its pathogenesis (liver hyperactivity, kidney depletion, spleen deficiency, phlegm disturbance, etc.)and tic site, select acupoints compatibility, and mostly choose yang meridian acupoints, which is related to the nature and treatment characteristics of wind pathogen. Children’s tic disorders are closely related to emotional disorders,therefore acupuncture and auricular acupoints all emphasize the method of soothing the liver and clearing the heart, and regulating the emotional state. Cluster needling of scalp point mostly used parietal temporal anterior oblique line, parietal 1 line, and dance tremor control area for the treatment of tic disorders. For children, auricular point seed-pressing and cluster needling of scalp point has the minimun of pain,the effect of treatment is long,and it is not easy to have dangerous situations such as bent needle,broken needle and so on.