:“气化则湿亦化”论述源于清代医家吴鞠通的《温病条辨》。三焦之湿均因气化不利所致,治湿皆需以行气为本,重 在宣畅气机,恢复三焦气化。治湿犯上焦,需宣肺利气、化湿开郁;治湿阻中焦,重在健脾行气,使脾气畅达,既助湿 化,又杜生湿之源;治湿滞下焦,需淡渗通阳,因势利导。治湿之“开上、宣中、导下”三法均寓有“气化湿亦化”之机 理,而轻宣、开泄、芳化、淡渗等诸法也应随证而用。“气化则湿亦化”学术思想的挖掘可为中医湿证的基础研究与治湿法 的临证应用提供理论参考。
[Key word]
The statement of“qi transformation leading to the removal of pathogenic dampness”was recorded in Wen Bing Tiao Bian(Analysis on Epidemic Febrile Diseases)written by the Qing Dynasty physician WU Ju-Tong. Dampness in the triple energizer is caused by the dysfunction of qi transformation,and the treatment of dampness must be based on the activation of qi movement and focused on the promotion of qi movement and the restoration of the qi transformation in the triple energizer. For the treatment of dampness attack in the upper energizer,therapies of dispersing lung to smooth qi and resolving dampness to relieve the obstruction are recommended. For the treatment of dampness obstruction in the middle energizer,therapy of activating spleen qi by strengthening spleen and moving qi is stressed for helping the removal of dampness and for the eradication of the source of dampness. For the treatment of dampness stagnation in the lower energizer, therapy of draining dampness with sweet- light medicines and activating yang can be used according to the illness status. The three methods of treating dampness, namely dispersing the upper energizer, activating the middle energizer and draining the lower energizer, all embody the mechanism of “qi transformation leading to the removal of pathogenic dampness”,and the therapies of dispersing lung with light medicines, inducing perspiration by opening striated layer, eliminating dampness with aromatics and draining dampness with sweet- light medicines should be used in accordance with the syndromes. The elucidation of the academic thoughts of“qi transformation leading to the removal of pathogenic dampness”can provide theoretical reference for the fundamental research of dampness syndrome and clinical application of therapies for resolving dampness in Chinese medicine.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:81973720, 81673850, 82174244)