总结李飞教授治疗面瘫的学术思想及诊疗经验。李飞提出诊治面瘫时应遵循“初病审因,次探病机,再明病证,辨 证论治”,以祛风通络、疏调筋经为基本治疗原则。临床治疗时,以“重视解剖,依症施治”为基本方针,贯通中西理论, 结合表情肌解剖结构,动态化判断神经、肌肉恢复情况,依据症状选取相应经验组穴。重视整合理论,总结理法辨证、分 期辨证、症状辨证之“辨证三重”法则,调经、调筋、调神之“治疗三调”理论,值得临床借鉴。
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This article aims to analyze LI Fei’s academic thinking and experience in treating facial paralysis. LI Fei proposes that the diagnosis and treatment of facial paralysis should follow the principle of “identify the cause of the disease when it is occured at first time, followed by exploring the pathogenesis of the disease, then differentiating the syndrome and treating the disease, and recognizing the syndrome and treating the disease”, and that the basic treatment principle should be “dispelling wind and unblocking the collaterals,regulating the tendons and meridians”. In clinical treatment,“put emphasis on anatomy, treat the disease according to symptoms” is the basic policy;meanwhile,integrating Chinese and western theories,combining the anatomical structure of the expression muscle, dynamically judging the recovery of nerves and muscles, and selecting the corresponding empirical acupoints according to the symptoms. LI Fei emphasizes the integration of theories and summarizes the "triple" methods of differentiation by reasoning,staging and symptoms,and the "triple" theory of treatment by regulating menstruation,tendon and spirit,which is worthy of reference in the clinic.
国家青年岐黄学者资助项目[编号:国中医药人教函(2022)256号];安徽省自然科学基金面上资助项目(编号:2308085MH297); 安徽高校自然科学重大研究资助项目(编号:2023AH040099);安徽高校自然科学重点研究资助项目(编号:KJ2021A0549); 安徽省“特支计划”人才培养资助项目(编号:皖组办字〔2022〕53号)