采用数据挖掘方法探讨钟广玲教授治疗腰椎间盘突出症的组方用药规律,为中药治疗腰椎间盘突出症提供参 考。【方法】收集近5年钟广玲教授治疗腰椎间盘突出症的有效病例的门诊处方,对纳入的处方中药的用药频数、性味归经进 行统计,并对其高频用药进行关联规则分析及聚类分析。【结果】共纳入处方164首,使用中药达168味。用药频次居前 10位的药物依次为牛膝、川芎、地龙、炙甘草、秦艽、当归、熟地黄、桃仁、香附、红花。所用药物的药性以温、平药为 主,药味以苦、辛为主,主要归肝、肾、脾经。药物功效归类主要为补虚药、祛湿通络药、活血化瘀药。关联规则分析 结果得到10组药对,聚类分析得到6个核心药物组合。【结论】钟广玲教授采用中药治疗腰椎间盘突出症以补虚扶正为 主,从肝、肾、脾入手,滋养肝肾,调理脾胃;注重活血化瘀,同时辨证配伍祛湿通络、清热等祛邪之药,寓攻于补,攻 补兼施。
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To explore the medication rules of Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling’s prescriptions for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)based on data mining method, so as to provide reference for the treatment of LDH with Chinese medicine. Methods The prescriptions for the effective cases of outpatients of LDH treated by Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling in the recent 5 years were collected. The medication frequency of Chinese medicines in the included prescriptions and the distribution of their properties,flavors and meridian tropism were investigated. Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis of the high-frequency drugs were carried out. Results A total of 164 prescriptions were included and 168 Chinese medicines were used. The top 10 highfrequency drugs in descending order were Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Pheretima, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle, Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix, Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata,Persicae Semen,Cyperi Rhizoma,and Carthami Flos. The properties of the prescribed drug were mainly warm and mild in nature,and bitter and pungent in flavor,and mainly had the meridian tropism of the liver,kidney and spleen meridians. According to the therapeutic actions,the drugs were mainly categorized as deficiency-supplementing drugs, dampness-removing and collateral-unblocking drugs, and blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs. The results of association rule analysis yielded 10 drug pairs, and cluster analysis yielded 6 core drug combinations. Conclusion For the treatment of LDH,Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling usually adopts the Chinese medicine for supplementing the deficiency and supporting healthy- qi,together with the medicines for nourishing the liver and kidney and regulating the spleen and stomach from the perspective of liver, kidney and spleen. Moreover, therapy of activating blood and removing stasis is also stressed,pathogen- eliminating medicines for removing dampness,unblocking collaterals and clearing heat are used based on syndrome differentiation,and then simultaneous application of purging and nourishing therapeutics is achieved through the utilization of purging method after supplementing method