利用数据挖掘方法分析黄枫教授治疗腰痛的用药规律。【方法】收集并筛选黄枫教授门诊治疗腰痛的有效病例 的病案资料。采用Microsoft Excel 2019对纳入的处方药物进行用药频次及性味归经分布的分析,采用IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 进行关联规则分析,采用IBM Statistics 26.0进行聚类分析。【结果】共纳入239首处方,涉及75味中药。使用频次≥20次的高 频中药有23味,居前10位的中药为甘草、醋延胡索、狗脊、白术、两面针、盐牛膝、生地黄、续断、薏苡仁、丹参。药性 分布以温性药物占比最高,药味分布以甘、苦、辛为主,归经以归肝、胃、脾经为主。关联规则分析得到的支持度居前 20位的药物组合中,醋延胡索、狗脊、白术、两面针为核心药物。聚类分析得到6个聚类组合。【结论】黄枫教授治疗腰痛以 三因制宜、治病求本为原则,多采用活血行气止痛、滋补肝肾药物,兼顾益气健脾,其辨治腰痛的思路可为临床腰痛的治 疗提供参考。
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To analyze the medication rules of Professor HUANG Feng for the treatment of low back pain using data mining methods. Methods The information of prescriptions for the effective cases of outpatients with low back pain treated by Professor HUANG Feng were collected and screened. Microsoft Excel 2019 was used to analyze the frequency of medication and the distribution of properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the drugs in the included prescription. IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 was used for association rule analysis,and IBM Statistics 26.0 was used for cluster analysis. Results A total of 239 prescriptions and 75 Chinese medicines were included. There were 23 high-frequency Chinese medicines with the medication frequency being or over 20 times,and the top 10 Chinese medicines were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,vinegar-processed Corydalis Rhizoma,Cibotii Rhizoma,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Zanthoxyli Radix,salt-processed Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix, Rehmanniae Radix,Dipsaci Radix,Coicis Semen,and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. The medicines were mainly warm in nature,and were sweet,bitter and pungent in flavor. Most of the drugs had the meridian tropism of liver, stomach and spleen meridians. Among the drug combinations obtained from association rule analysis with the top 20 highest support,vinegar-processed Corydalis Rhizoma,Cibotii Rhizoma,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Zanthoxyli Radix were the core drugs. Cluster analysis yielded 6 clustering combinations. Conclusion For the treatment of low back pain, Professor HUANG Feng follows the principle of “treatment adapting to the climate, individuality, and environment” and “treating the root cause of the disease”,usually adopts the drugs for activating blood,moving qi and relieving pain,nourishing the liver and kidney,and also uses the medicines for replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen. The ideas of HUANG Feng for the treatment of low back pain can be used as a reference for the clinical treatment.